Tuesday, October 27, 2009

geek geek geek

I've become a geek lately, seriously.

The proof:

This is my messy bed, together with (from left to right): IMC exercises, my beloved laptop, my spiral note (which contains so many absurd mathematical equations), Anansi Boys book, one of my non-parametric statistic books, and finally formal method note. Yes baby, i'm multitasking.

Just look at it's title: Problems proposed for the 13th International Mathematics Competition for University Students. It's so creepy and i can do only 5 from 30 problems (and only 1 was correct)

And that's my time-killer book. Anansi Boys from the genius Neil Gaiman. Truthfully i'd read this book for several times, but i like the way Neil Gaiman wrote and tell the stories about Fat Charlie and the spider god.

Hmmm, today's is my best friend, Ivonne's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR! (And get well soon too :p)

Ivonne and me. In our office at PKM


vonnzaoldyeck said...

hehe, thx chu XD
kenapa ga lo upload foto yg ble'e bgt itu aj? XD lol

tieta soewarto said...

tadinya mau gw uplot yang lu lagi nganga cuma gw gak tega hahahahaha
soalnya nganganya lebar banget! kepalan tangan gw aja bisa masup :p