Thursday, September 23, 2010

Revenge Is The Dish Best Served Cold

I have threatened by someone's intelligence in my class. He's (obviously) geeker than me and he understands a lot of mathematical terms, function behaviour, and many other theories that i can't understand!! He says so many things i DID NOT understand then look at me with a grin on his face. I can't stand it!!!

Wish me luck with that guy -_______-"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Few Things To Be Happy About (cont.)

I promised you that i'll post things that made me smile like in this post:

Now i'll update the list:
1. Gigantic seamonster on my notebook
2. Camouflage keyboard
3. Candies with more than 5 colors on it
4. Jane Austen's sensible words
5. Meet Poseidon on my way back home
6. Good experiment results
7. Late breakfast
8. Little Miss & Mr. Men
9. Honey chicken
10. Toefl books
11. The victorious feeling after you knocked down somebody who act like "you-know-it-all" in your class
12. Despicable Me Minions' butt
13. Being loved by somebody
14. Stalker
15. White roses
16. Smell of the rain
17. Greek mythology
18. Custard
19. Silent treatment
20. Not-so-tasty Korean dish
22. Perpetual motion
23. All-you-can-eat restaurant
24. Making someone missed you
25. Daily prayer
26. Colorful straws
27. Quiet morning
28. Papa Smurf
29. Seeing someone grinning like a Chesire Cat
30. Having a quiet saturday afternoon
31. Dress-up games
32. Anything free
33. Chocolate cone

I guess that's long enough for today. I'll update this list later.
See you :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

How I Spent My Holiday

1. Eat, eat, and eat!
2. Read (comic books, novels, PAPERS!)
3. Code
4. Watch Big Bang Theory
5. Off to bookstore
6. Help my mother serving guests
7. Iron clothes -______-"
8. Just lazying around

My favourite activity is number 8 so far :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Eid Fitr!!

Good food. Good times. Good mood :)

Happy Eid Fitr guys!! :)
Taqaballahu mina wa minkum, shiyamana wa shiyamakum. Amin.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hari-hari Gw Setelah Wisuda

Akhir-akhir ini gw tergila-gila sama comic books barat kayak Smurf, Tintin, Agen 212, dan sebagainya. Sebetulnya jokesnya garing sih, tapi entah kenapa komik-komik itu sangat menghibur disaat gw sangat bosan dan mengantuk di lab. Soalnya ya gw sudah mencoba membaca novel (yaitu Eat Pray Love) disaat gw bosan dan hasilnya adalah gw bertambah bosan. Jadi, salah gw ataukah salah novelnya? Pastilah salah data yang gw proses. Ngebetein sih, masa akurasinya 4 persen? Bite me!!!

Kuliah S2 baru mulai tanggal 20 besok, tapi gw udah gatel banget baca slide Machine Learning. Lucu lho, ada polynomial fittingnya! Semoga aja dosennya enak dan teman-teman baru gw juga enak nantinya (dan semoga gw bisa ngerjain tugas koding berkelompoknya). Sejujurnya ya, gw kurang suka tugas berkelompok, tapi kalau gw ingin mengerjakan tugas koding itu sendiri, itu sama saja dengan bunuh diri.

Sekarang setiap weekend gw manfaatkan semaksimal mungkin. Berbaring, nonton Big Bang Theory, pergi baca komik gratis ke Gramedia terdekat, atau mengasah kembali kemampuan piano gw yang super cetek. Omong-omong, gw berencana menggunakan gaji pertama gw untuk beli biola. Atau lanjutin les piano ya? Hmmm...

Omong-omong besok progress report lho :) *smirk* haruskah gw mengaku bahwa akurasi eksperimen gw cuma 4 persen? Haruskah?

Jadi inget perkataannya Sheldon Cooper di Big Bang:
"Negative results are still a results"

Well.. Ciao! :3

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Quote of The Day

When you push yourself to your limits, you realize that there are no limits

I'm bored. I need more comic book, perhaps.