Sunday, June 27, 2010

A few things that make me smile

Gigantic seamonster on my notebook,

Camouflage keyboard,

Candies with more than 5 colors on it,

Jane Austen's sensible words,

Accidentally meet my relative on my way back home. Hey uncle Poseidon!

Friday, June 25, 2010

you won't give your heart but i'll give you mine

Sounds very cliche but... i'll do it. Yeah.


I already passed my trial last wednesday and finally got S.KOM DEGREE!!! HELL YEAAHHHH!!! (God, i'm so overexcited). I don't care what will my thesis grade be. I just happy to be a bachelor :) :) :)

See ya! :3

Thursday, June 17, 2010

master scholarship

That's the reason why i cried for the whole day yesterday. I don't get accepted in master scholarship at my campus. I am EXTREMELY dissapointed and i just can't stop blaming my incompetent self. I hate to lose. I hate being a loser.

But i must face that reality.

I can find another way for being an exquisite future lecturer. I don't want to give up. I must finish what i've started. I simply can.

Thanks for your support guys :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


weekend. sleepless nights. annoying orange. finished thesis reports. hope. re-reading Jane Austen. presentation slide. presentation slide. presentation slide. typo. typo. typo. unstructured grammar. tables. paintings. neck stiff. pet society. dwarf #3. divine tiara. pink snail. delicous lasagna. home-made grissini. annoying sister.

how come did you get so sweet?
i missed the old you, really...

and pray Tieta, how come did you get that infinite loop?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

ways to live forever

I'm doing some scrap-booking today. I'm putting together old photos in one scrapbook album which i brought a few days ago together with my How To Train Your Dragon book. Even so, there's still plenty of space on that book which still left blank (i promise i will fill them AFTER my trial). My room was like a super deformed titanic in fluffy version. Take a look:

Papers everywhere

My sister Kania when she was 5, and my littlest brother Irham when he was 2. Super cute :3

My brother Hasnan when he was 6 and my sister Kania when she was 3

This is me, the super gigantic baby with a cute slanted eyes :)

The cover. I named it after my favourite book Ways To Live Forever

Applause!!! :3 :3

Saturday, June 5, 2010

main topic of this week: the infinite loop

That's the topic which me and my dear Athena had been talked about since last week. This is not about some kind of programming technique, this is a pure sensitive talk about a weird feeling that i (and honestly, several people) have been experienced.

Errato m (italian). f errata, m prural errati, f prural errate. Wrong. Incorrect. Mistaken.

Infinite loop means half-unrequited love, undesirable affection, and false hope that occurs simultaneously between someone and his/her lover. You can't get your lover out of your head although you're already broke up with him/her or him/her already exhibit unpleasant behaviour in front of you. Infinite loops are the aftermath of loving someone too much. Infinite loops ARE dangerous.

I'm having one. And that's painful :(

Thursday, June 3, 2010

count down

Today's June 3rd. Just a few days before my thesis trial. I'm now working on my chapter five -___-"

Also, today's my scholarship interview. I wear the most uncomfortable clothes in my closet: formal shirt and formal pants! I need my jeans like.... now? :(

Wish me luck for my interview guys!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

alay nenggak parfum

(Sebenernya gw agak nggak rela postingan pertama gw di bulan ini adalah tentang alay, tapi biarlah...)

Cerita bermula dari gw menumpahkan air minum gw ke bukunya si Nene. Gw yang takut akan keanarkisan temen gw itu yang notabenenya sayaaaangggg banget sama buku2nya memutuskan untuk menggantinya dan mencarinya sepulang kampus di TM Bookstore.

Pas ke TM Bookstore gw udah nyari jengking2, tuh buku GA ADA. Bagus... Tapi gw nggak pulang dengan tangan kosong sih, gw beli buku How To Train Your Dragon sama Negeri 5 Menara buat om gw.

Terus gw pulang naik bis neraka Deborah seperti biasanya barengan sama seorang kiplay mencurigakan. Kupingnya ditindik kayak manusia purba, trus doi pake jaket hoodie yang warnanya gak jelas antara biru sama abu2 (biru campur daki, maybe?), dan doi juga pake atribut khas alay yaitu gelang serut yang di malioboro harganya cuma secengan. Gw yang udah waspada purbawisesa banget sama tuh mas2 akhirnya naik Deborah dari pintu belakang, soalnya doi naik dari pintu depan.

APESNYA, kursi yang tersisa di Deborah cuma dua. Walhasil gw duduklah bareng mas2 yang kayaknya blasteran Homo Mojokertensis sama suporter jakmania. Terus setelah beberapa saat gw duduk di sebelah si mas2 itu, gw menyadari ada hal yang janggal dari doi.

Biasanya kalo anak2 yang emo2 gitu bau kan ya? (menurut survey gw pada teman2 dan tetangga2 gw yang "emo") nah ini doi wangi banget! Wangi parfum emak-emak! Seriusan deh, kayaknya doi mau ngecengin ceweknya deh... Bayangin aja gw di Deborah duduk selama satu jam di sebelah makhluk blasteran Homo Mojokertensis, suporter jakmania, PLUS ibu2 pengajian itu.

Jackpotnya lagi, pas beberapa saat sebelum turun di terminal lebak bulus, doi ngeluarin tuh parfum yang bikin gw megap2 selama satu jam dan parfum itu DISEMPROTIN LAGI ke badannya doi yang notabenenya udah kelebihan minyak wangi.

"Buset mas, tenggak aja tuh parfum sekalian!", kata sanubari gw menjerit, nggak kuat menahan penderitaan ini. Akhirnya ada ibu2 yang berdiri di deket dia nyindir, "Mas, udah wangi kok mas... Makanya mandi, jangan ngandelin parfum aje..."

Gw langsung ketawa nyembur dan berhasil mempermalukan diri gw di depan sekitar 40 penumpang Deborah. Ya iyalah, tuh ibu2 jujur banget, gw aja yang sebelahnya ga brani, takut tiba2 doi ngeluari golok, tamat riwayat gw! Mana gw belom sidang skripsi lagi!

Apes ya nasib gw hari ini? Huhuhuw...

Pesan moral bagi kalian yang merasa seperti orang diatas:
Toleransi lah kalau mau make parfum berlebihan, kasihan orang yang nyium, bisa2 kayak gw sekarang, muntah2 kayak orang bunting! :D