Sunday, June 2, 2013

peeking my workbag

Hi. They say if you want to know someone, take a closer look into that person's stuffs. Today is the special day when I finally let you guys know what's inside my workbag. I'm the type of person who carry only essential things, so all of these stuffs are obviously important to my existence. Let's take a peep!

Here's my workbag! It's from Everbest and it's so spacious I can fit everything inside it freely!

Inside the bag: a folder containing music sheets, ungraded homework, and research papers; my daily journal; a micron pen (I LOVE micron pens!); makeup (two way cake & a red lipstick is enough for me); hand sanitizer (the utmost important thing in this bag!); brolly; paperback novel; wallet; minyak telon (Indonesian baby oil that smells sooooooo good!); keys; and my daily planner!

Inside the folder...

Book I'm currently reading: Burgess' A Clockwork Orange. Intense!

The first page on my daily journal

From those stuffs, can you imagine what kind of woman I am? :)

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